Saturday, December 8, 2007

You are one of the hardest people to please. Actually, now that I pause and think about it for a moment, I think you are the hardest person to please. Nothing I seem to do seems to be quite right. I don't know how long I can keep trying to please you. Not only is it incredibly difficult to make you happy, it never seems to be good enough.

And then you pull the "guilt" card. "Well, I guess we know where your priorities are. This shows what's really important to you."

What the --- ? (Insert whatever but I prefer to leave blank because I don't a word that properly describes my feeling) All this time I have been trying to make you happy, to be a success, to do things how you want them done and you play the guilt card?

When will what I do be good? Not ok. But good. No if's, and's, or but's?

For the record, it really hurts when you play that card. It makes me feel, I'm not answering that in public.

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