Friday, September 28, 2007

Nn- now th- that don't kil me,
Can only make me stronger

Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD

I've had that going through my head the past 48 hours. Rather fitting eh?

Never thought I would quote the Bible and Kanye West in the same blog post.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sometimes life hurts. Really hurts.

This month? Not so great. Don't get me wrong, I'm still breathing and things weren't life shattering difficult, but September hasn't been that great.

I miss my friends and my life in Europe. I miss the companionship, the freedom and the acceptance.

I've seen a number of "old" friends since I've been back. Some of them I was thrilled to see. A select few have moved into being aquaintances. Funny how lives change. All of a sudden you notice things that really bother you, or you no longer have anything in common. With a girlfriend of mine, our lives have taken us two seperate directions. But, put us together and we still get a long great. With another person, we don't get along. We annoy each other. Some one else is moving away. I don't want him to leave. But, that will be in another post, for another day.

So back to life hurting... (sorry, I'm all over the place today)

I came back from a weekend get away to the news that two family members of a friend died from Carbon Monoxide poisoning last Friday.

This morning my grandmother died.

I don't know what to say. There are so many thoughts running through my head.

How do I describe the sorrow I feel for my friend?

How do I describe my sorrow over losing my Oma?

How do I describe the sorrow I feel for my little siblings - they'll not have the privilege of growing up with Oma's applesauce. They won't know what it is like to sit in silence across the table from her. They won't experience sleeping over at Opa and Oma's and having Pfeffernusse cookies and milk before bed. That is what makes me really sad. I have those experiences. They mean so much to me. But Esther? Joseph? Even Timothy and Sara? They don't have those experiences. They won't have those experiences.

That is what hurts the most.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I am going to the sunshine

While all the Calgarians suffer in 10 degree weather with rain and fog, I am going to Toronto, where, on Saturday the high is supposed to reach 26 degrees.

Oh yeah.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

One month

Well. I "celebrated" by one month in Canada anniversary over the weekend. I haven't quite decided what to do with my blog. I'm thinking of keeping it. Those of you who have been reading this blog merely to track my process through Europe can stop reading it now. Yes. I said stop.



Also, dieser Blog habe ich gegrundet fuer Freunde und Verwandte als ich in Europa war. Jetzt wo ich in Kanada bin habe ich gedacht dass ich es ein bisschen aufmische (ist dass ueberhaupt ein Deutsches wort?). Na ja, aufmischen ist verliecht nicht das richtige wort. Ich moechte jetzt manche von meine Erlebnisse und erfahrungen hier in Kanada mit euch teilen. Es wuerde mich freuen wenn ihr mir Kommentare hinterlassen wurdet (deutsch, englisch, spanish, egal).

Liebe gruesse, (ich vermisse euch)

Anna Elisabeth