Sunday, February 10, 2008

One week...

I'm engaged! Today is our "one week" anniversary. :)

Remember the last blog post I wrote? The one about how lucky I was to have such a great guy who was whisking me off to the mountains? Yeah. Well, turns out he's not only great, but he's also a bit of a schemer. That "innocent" trip to the mountains? Not so innocent at all. It was a set-up. He had the whole thing planned out to be 'the occasion" even though he was telling me that it was just an innocent escape.

Breakfast at the Banff Springs. Walking through the crisp air. And of course, a gorgeous ring. *sigh*

...I just realized I'm not even writing in complete sentences. Oh dear. Guess I'm a little smitten. And still in shock that he asked.

Anyways, we've been engaged for a week. We've set a date, booked venues and things are moving along nicely. Amazing how much can happen in such a short time.

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