Monday, July 21, 2008

My fiancee and I were talking about courage last night. This morning I came across the following quote from Laurence Shames:

Why are we inspired by another person's courage?
Maybe because it gives us the sweet and genuine surprise of discovering
some trace, at least, of the same courage in ourselves.

Interesting. I think he may be on to something. I know personally it's inspiring and sometimes quite humbling, to see friends and loved ones face situations that I find terrifying. Yet, they manage to stand tall and face the storm.

Here's to you. Thank you for standing tall and in doing so, inspiring me to do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well written Sidney. I completely agree with you. It is to bad that we sometimes sit on the sidelines when we should be in the game. I guess thats why we have to remind each other.