Friday, August 15, 2008


I can't believe time is going by so quickly. I have just over two weeks left before my life changes. Part of me is excited, another part, scared.

A year ago in June.
It was after ten and the sweltering heat of the afternoon had dissipated. Cool night breezes carried the sounds of music, people and fireworks. Together with A, D, and S we strolled down the river, across one of the bridges and onto the island. It was packed. I'd been to concerts before, even outdoor concerts but nothing like this. Although the Love Parade draws thousands, aside from the formal "parade" aspect, most of the shows take place indoors at clubs and stadiums. Here, everything was outside. Everything. It has been called the largest outdoor music fest in Europe.
Pushing through the crowds, A and I managed to make our way towards the stage. The lights stopped pulsing for a moment and the crowd slowed as the haunting melody filled the air.

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