Monday, January 14, 2008

The better part of one's life consists of one's friendships
Abraham Lincoln

I heartily agree. Many of my favourite memories were made with friends:

- playing Beauty Parlour and scarring our cousins as we emerged from the room "beautiful" aka. surrounded in clouds of cheap perfume (the more the better) with streaks of pink blush on our cheeks and and red dollar store lipstick on our teeth
- sneaking to 7/11 on our recess breaks and buying bags of five cents candies (Cinnamon Hot Lips and gummi frogs....mmm)
- running through backalleys and across the streets to escape from the bad guys (Nazis, thugs, parents, slave traders)
- spending the afternoon at the library reading Babysitter and Saddle Club books
- meeting every week for coffee at our special hangout and each time trying to sit in the same threadbare chairs (they're still there)
- getting up early to go running down streets that we had named after Calvin Klein perfumes (Eternity, Obsession, Contradiction)
- meeting in TD Square and going for lunch in Devonian gardens
- driving down Memorial looking at the city lights and talking about boys, music and the future
- sitting in art class passing notes and joking about Manet, complaining about Gauguin and learning to appreciate Picasso
- grabbing a room in Comms and pulling all day (or until we got bored) study marathons
- discussing the merits of Captain Morgan
- surviving a volleyball class where the ball (or was it the teammates?) seemed to be attacking us
- making a pact to go cliff jumping together and then both having the courage to go do it
- ringing in the New Year with Lucky Duck champagne and movies
- dancing like the night would never end
- releasing the creative side and bonding over paint, stencils and ceramics
- soaking up the sun while strolling along the Danube and praying and talking about life
- meeting at the Glenbow and exploring the Renior exhibit
- taking a break from assignments to watch the wedding planner and then leaving school at three in the morning
- pulling a 21 hour day on only four hours of sleep with copious amounts of Red Bull and loud music
- texting at all hours of the day (and night) with updates on our lives
- marching into class together with French Vanilla and English Toffee cappuccinos

Thank you for being in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well i am honored to be able to be part of those memorys. I only wish we could have made salsa class part of them.