Friday, September 18, 2009

Congratulations *shiningstar*

Wow. I can't believe you're getting married tomorrow. I remember sitting in our favourite little cafe and talking about all our dreams and plans for the future. Education, Travel and Real Estate. I don't remember there being much talk about men. Oh yes, we did talk about our current crushes (as well as our arch-enemies who often happened to be our secret crushes...or at least in my case they were). We talked about meeting men throughout our adventures, but I can't say I remember actually talking about settling down and getting married.

Fast forward a few years and here we are. I've been married a year, you're just about to get married. Hmnm. Interesting where life takes us eh? I can't say I saw this coming. Did you?

Come to think of it, it's probably good we didn't see it coming. I don't think we would have been to know where we were going to be. At least, I know I wouldn't have been ready.

Speaking of ready, I have a speech to give tomorrow and should write out my final notes. Please don't start crying. I'll loose it too.

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