Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Debra Benton

Today I had the privilege of attending a lunch session with Debra Benton. Who's Debra Benton? Well, let me paste part the bio from her website below:

Debra Benton is an effective, charismatic and powerful speaker/consultant/author. In 1976, she founded Benton Management Resources, and has since been in business successfully for over 30 years. She has helped professionals worldwide design subtle changes in their presentation, attitude and leadership style that increased their personal and professional effectiveness – and subsequently their financial status.

Her client list reads like a “Who’s Who” in successful business today. Benton's style and ability to influence positive change has put people “in office,” made companies millions, accelerated career advancement and created a beneficial ripple effect throughout numerous organizations.

Benton coaches corporate executives, politicians and business leaders on their organizational impact in every industry imaginable. Every Week Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company feature one of Benton's previous or current clients.

What an incredible experience. The best $40 I've spent in a long time. I took a number of notes, but clearly a 45 minute presentation can't convey all her insight. I'm planning on buying one, possibly two of her books.

One of her first comments was on inadequacy. So often we treat people based on how inadequate we perceive them (and ourselves!) to be. Her comment was that God does not make inadequate people, why do we keep treating them as such?


CellaBoBella said...

I think it's human nature to compare other people to ourselves and to other people we know and then judge them accordingly. Not saying that's what we should be doing, but it is certainly hard to get into a habit of not doing that!

Erin Waite said...

Wow -- Thanks so much for your generous comments. The Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter ( was privileged to have been selected by Debra for a donated keynote. I had applied to be selected because I'd heard a keynote by her years ago at an international communications conference and she was incredible. If you are thinking of buying a couple of books, "Lions Don't Need to Roar", her first, I believe, is exceptional. Be sure to include that on your list. Best wishes, Erin W.

Unknown said...

Anna! Sounds awesome.
Call me hun :-)