Monday, December 21, 2009

Haribo Goldbaeren

Haribo makes the best gummy bears. Ever. I remember growing up my parents tried hard to convince us kids to like "North American" gummy bears. You know, the kind you can buy from Wal-mart, Superstore or the other local grocery store down the street. I think the Wal-mart version costs around $3 for 700 grams. 700 grams? You really think $3 for 700 grams is a good deal? It's not. I know we're supposed to be in a recession and careful with our spending but really, if you're going to spend money on gummy bears, don't cheap out. It's not worth it! My parents can attest to that. No matter what brand they tried, my siblings and I weren't swayed.
Where I live I can often find Haribo Goldbaeren (the best, most flavourful, healthiest gummybears) at London Drugs. (Ok, I made up the 'healthiest' bit, but think about it...eating ten satisfying Goldbaeren is much healthier than eating 700 grams of artificially flavoured chewy junk wannabe gummybears)
Anyways, the point is, don't waste your money buying the "North American"'ll regret it.


CellaBoBella said...

LOVE the video, although I couldn't quite decide whether or not a gummibaer shaking his booty was disturbing or not.

I totally agree. Goldbaeren are the best!

Cara Birkholz said...

the kids have been singing that song ever since :)
Haribo macht Kinder froh!

Anna Elisabeth said...

pom.sugar - haha, yes, the verdict is still out on the booty shaking.

carabirk - glad to spread the love. At least it's a great way to get the kids singing in German. It's a shame they couldn't think of more lyrics for the song.