Monday, July 11, 2011

The pot calling the kettle

I attended my first work Stampede party today. It was...ahem...interesting. We were a pretty quiet group, but there were a couple other individuals there who were less than quiet. It wasn't even 3 p.m. and they were completely trashed. Kind of sad actually.

Is it wrong that the best part of the party was the people watching? I was going to make a snide comment about one individual who'd clearly had too much to drink and was sauntering over to every male in Wranglers and a cowboy hat...

How quickly I pass judgement on someone else...yet I hate when someone passes judgement on me. I've done my fair share of stupid things...I remember thinking how great they'd make me feel...only to end up disappointed in the end. Funny how some of things that we think will make us happy - don't.

I have to watch my attitude. At first I was irritated and frankly, a little disgusted with this individual. At some point I realized I saw a bit of myself in her. Where's the line between passing judgement and looking down on someone and relating to him/her and feeling sorry for him/her? Is there a line? Aren't both options just different forms of passing judgement?

Is it even possible to not pass judgement in some way? I don't know that it is. I do know however, that I need to watch my attitude and not be so hasty in jumping to conclusions about people and situations.


CellaBoBella said...

I feel like judgement is a part of human nature... very hard to fight against it since it just comes so easily to us.

Blog Manager - Elisabeth said...

Welcome to the real world! We age, we mature, we are to learn from the past and the present. Wisdom and growth.

It is nice to hear / see you posting!
