Thursday, May 3, 2007


Sometimes I wonder...

Yeah, I know I should be doing something more productive with my time, but sometimes I just need to sit here and think. So I do.

Who is going to be there after me?

What is she going to be like? Are you going to like her? Like her more than me? Is she going to make you happy? I sure hope so. I'd like to think that she'll make you smile. Not a quaint, "yeah-that's-cute" smile, but a grin that throws open the windows and lets the sunshine stream in.

Will you remember me? Or will the past fade into the distance. A blurred background of what used to be. I could be wrong, but I almost perfer a blurred background. As happy as I was in the past, I don't want to distract from the present - let alone darken the future. And if it means forgetting I ever existed? So be it. I don't want to be the shutter that blocks out the sunshine.


Anonymous said...

great peice.

Little Miss Domestica said...

Anna - you are hardly forgettable. Also, everyone fades into the background in life. That is what time does to our memories. And that is why nostalgia is so great.