Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Canadian culture

I was just asked to present on Canadian culture tomorrow afternoon. We're studying global aspects in integrated communication (fascinating...with an amazing Prof too). Any thoughts or suggestions?
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think Canadian cultural oddities are (e.g. forms of greeting, etiquette, mindset, expectations, behaviour).

Non-Canadians-living-in-Canada - please, comment too, you'll probably have insights we Canadians can't see.

Oh, and I need to hear back from you by 3 a.m. MST time. What are you doing staring at your screen? Hurry up and comment.


Anonymous said...

well, there's the informality here, calling complete strangers and people who are older than you by their first name, vs. the very formal Herr und Frau sowieso, the duzen vs. the Siezen etc.
Also our apparent dependence on fast-food.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the "eh?", eh? we love to use that little thingy. AND our politeness, deferrring to the stranger when they have trouble with our english language. "Oh you are speaking sooo well!" we forgive grammar and vocabulary mistakes. Is ist because we are ALL immigrants? OK, almost all. Even when our ancestry came over with Erik the Red. A.Elisabeth

monmon said...

hhhmmm... i guess i'm kinda late, but can't skip posting for this one ;)

1) there's no canadians in Canada, remember I told you it took me forever to meet someone that doesn't say another nationality first?? :P

2) you guys DO love the "eh!" xDD

3) canadians are easy going, relaxed, nice people. stress?? i don't even think it's in your dictionary!! I've met really busy people, and still, a smile is ALWAYS in your face. which I personally love :)

4) traditional food is good. but nobody eats at home, it's all fast food and crap like that :S :(

5) I love the school here!! is so much more hands on!!

6) Country music... probably only in the west coast but I haven't seen such a love for this kinda music ever!

7) guys are big here... not necessarily tall, but they are definately 2x2 as I call them, which means just as tall as wide :P i don't kno if it's 'cause of the lifestyle or wht... still gotta find out :)

8) girls are VERY girls here!! and still it surprises me how they are keeping on with their degrees... in Spain if you're not so smart you don't go to college and if you ARE smart you're usually not that "simple appearing". i think it's kinda cool how they mix.

9) there's really a lot more, but i won't keep on 'cause i don't wanna bore you :P

take care and keep posting, it's nice to know how a stranger is doing in my "home" (i'll take Europe as home ;D)

hugs + kisses!!!

Natasha said...

Not sure this is so much culture as it is Canadian identity but I think Canada is largely identified by the fact that it is such a huge mix of different cultures. Your Newfoundland fisherman is SO different from your rednecked western farmer. Your rural is so different from your Urban.

If you just look around at just about any of our Canadian cities you will see such a huge variety of people. And I think that plays a huge role in defining the Canadian culture and identity.

Anna Elisabeth said...

Thanks for your comments, they were exactly what I was looking for. I ended up including many of them in my presentation this afternoon. Thanks everyone :)