Sunday, March 4, 2007

Yes Mom, I'm eating.

This post is dedicated to my parents: my Mom, who's been wondering if I'm remembering to eat and my Dad, who's been asking if I've been taking my vitamins. I hope this helps calm their worries.
*)Sorry about the format...I spent almost 30 minutes playing with it and it's still not right.**

My first grocery shopping trip - 02.2007
(Can you tell I'm not used to shopping for one? I'm still using the onions and garlic)

Pasta with cooked veggies and Emmentaler cheese...mmmm.

Some more hosts have bags of Italian pasta in the pantry. Look at the colours (don't worry Mom, I didn't eat them plain...I had them with a chicken tomato sauce).

A few weeks ago my hostess and I made Apfel im Schlafrock for dinner (directly translated "Apples in Nightgown": apples covered in a thin dough, fried and then sprinkled with cinnamon and icing sugar).

One of my first dinners - 02.2007
Frankfurters with amazing mustard
Roasted veggies (tomatoes, onions, eggplant and garlic) over rice


marcella said...

I think it's hilarious how in Frankfurt they are called Wieners and in Wien they are called Frankfurters :)

And yet... it's somehow still just the same thing...

Little Miss Domestica said...

OH Anna - I would really love the recipie for Apfel im Schlafrock. They look delicious!

Anonymous said...

you know, you've now set a precedent, we want pictures of ALL your grocery shopping excursions, very time! I see Goldbaeren were on the menu in February - a very good choice... I found Goldbaeren at the vegetable market here in town a few weeks ago. yum.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm....can I come over to your place for dinner? :-) I could book my private jet for the evening...

monmon said...

damn right you're eating :) i'm glad you're enjoying the austrian gastronomy. i wish i could do some post like this, but you kno... canadian food ain't always that good, specially if it's student's food :P