Saturday, January 27, 2007


I woke up refreshed this morning. Somewhere during the course of the night, something triggered in my memory. I remembered what I'd completely forgotten the past few months.

When I was a "little" girl I dreamed of going to study in Europe. I'd go so far as to mentally plan how I'd arrange the furniture in my flat, whether I would walk or take transit to school and even who my classmates would be. For a time I'd dream I was going to study archeology, then it was music, fashion, history, journalism, nursing, even Middle Eastern studies. Countries, schools and programs changed, but ultimately I wanted to go study in Europe.

I'd completely forgotten all this. I'd forgotten that this was something I wanted to do throughout childhood and my teenage years. I had remembered that studying in Europe was something I always wanted to do, but had forgotten the specifics.

It has taken me a while, but this morning I finally remembered. With those memories came a realization: this exchange is my dream come true. It's an answer to a prayer I'd prayed when I was seven, 12, 15, 17 and 20. Somehow in all the business of trying to live life at it's current stage, I'd forgotten about all those prayers and all the plans. I'd remembered that it was something I always wanted to do, but I hadn't remembered the specific memories or the details associated with them. God did. He said "No" when I was seven. He said "No" when I was 12. He said "No" when I was 15, 17 and 20. Now, years after those initial prayers, it looks like He's saying "Yes."

Praise the Lord. Tomorrow, I leave. Tomorrow I'll be en route to completing my dream...studying in Europe.


Anonymous said...

And He will continue to be with you every single step of the way...

Natasha said...

I have definitely bookmarked your blog and will be visiting often.
I'm looking forward to hearing the theories you come up with over the next few months.