Monday, February 5, 2007

It's officially been a week

That's right. I've been in Vienna for over a week already.

Today I met two of the ladies in charge of my exchange. Somehow, somewhere, someone enrolled me into Journalism instead of Public Relations. Yeah. I've made them aware of the mistake, I hope it can be easily remedied. According to the school here it's no big deal, but I'm going to double check with the school at home and make sure I won't have problems there.

In other news, I'm currently operating on three hours of sleep. Caroline invited me to go watch the Superbowl with her. Now, you have to understand, I've never watched a full Superbowl game before. I've watched bits and pieces of football games but never a Superbowl. Why? Well, why should I? I find the game rather confusing, a lot more boring than hockey and even the men running around in tight pants don't attract me. So, I was going to decline Caroline's invitation. But then. I thought again. Why not experience the Superbowl through the eyes of Austrians? Sure, football isn't my favourite sport but this would sure make a great story. So off I went.

We left my place at 11 p.m. so that we wouldn't miss the last U-bahn and have to walk to the party. As we still had plenty of time before the game started we got off a few stations early and took a number of pictures outside the gates of Schönbrunn Schloß (just before midnight is a perfect time to go as there are hardly any tourists milling about).

From Schönbrunn Caroline and I walked the rest of the way to the party. On route she told me that we probably wouldn't get home until six in the morning as the U-bahns don't run in the early morning hours. I gulped. I had to be at school at 10:30 the next morning but I kept on walking.

By the time Caroline and I arrived at the party there were already a number of people staked out on couches and chairs throughout the apartment. Caroline and I found seats and shortly after the game started. What a riot. I'm not sure what was more amusing...watching the football enthusiasts yell and shout at the TV (and each other) or listening to the Austrian sportscasters translate what was going on on the field. At one point we had a couple of people throwing footballs around the room, two arguements about which team was better, a discussion about snow levels in Canada and a group of people crowded around a laptop watching Superbowl commercials.

After the game we all sat around and talked for awhile about cults, football and Christianity before heading home. One of the guys left his car behind so that the girls could get rides home instead of having to wait for the U-bahns to start running. What an experience (I still like hockey better though...and...I still don't have any Oilers wear...hint, hint).


Natasha said...

Journalism thats a scary thought. Glad to hear you got that straightened out.

In my opinion there is more fun in watching sports fans, then there is in watching sports. Its almost a sport in of itself.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna ... from your Ant E...I have read and reread your early adventures! I guess the pressure is on to get you some Oilers stuff. Did you not take your flag along??? sigh. probably did not fit into the knapsack. Hi to Vienna!

Anonymous said...

Good job Anna!
I am so proud of you, for taking the plunge...pulling an (almost) all-nighter! Way to go Girl!

Little Miss Domestica said...

Did Morris visit the Schonbrunn too?

Vita ex Libris is no more...the reviews are on Ms.Domestica. Just fyi.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're having a good time. I watched the superbowl too! Say hello to Morris. Miss you lots.
P.S How does it feel to pull an all nighter outside of comms.


Anonymous said...

Ill get you some Flames wear, how about that?