Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Magic carpet rides, the number 99 and sea blue fashions

Ever seen a concert pianist play only using his left hand? I did...just a few hours ago.
Yesterday I was offered a free ticket to the Vienna Konzerthaus. As it turns out, the parents of one of my hosts have some special ticket package. They were not feeling well, my hosts had plans and friends weren't interested. So, instead of wasting perfectly good tickets, I got to go.

It was fantastic. We, (insert fictional story about meeting a cute Italian here - was actually with my host's sister), sat first row on the balcony, directly across from the stage. Perfect seats. Excluding church and homeschool events, I've never sat so close to the orchestra before. Wonderful, would definitely recommend it.

The program included:
Richard Strauss
- Don Juan op. 20
- Tondichtung nach Nikolaus Lenau

Igor Strawinski
- Capriccio fuer Klavier und Orchester
- Presto
- Andante rapsodico
- Allegro capriccioso, ma tempo guisto

Paul Hindemith
- Klaviermusik mit Orchester (Klavier: linke Hand) op. 29 **the special left hand only piece**
- Einleitung
- Sehr lebhafte Halbe
- Trio. Basso ostinato
- Finale

Richard Strauss
- Till Eulenspiegels lustige Strieche op. 28
- In Roneauform

And as an encore:
Richard Wagner
- Lohengrin, Act III vorspiel

Who was playing all this? The Guerzenich-Orchester Koeln with Olli Mustonen as pianist and Markus Stenz as conductor.

Now, I've been to a few concerts before, but never to one in Vienna. Have you? Well next time you go, here are a few things you should know (based on what I learned tonight):

- Wait. Yes. Wait before clapping. Yes the piece was fantastic, your heart is ready to leap out of your chest and you feel like the last hour was a magical carpet ride across the shimmering Mediterranean, over the blistering desert, up the majestic Himalayas and down into a jungle of exotic flowers, sparkling waterfalls and wild animals. You feel like you've just experienced paradise. Wonderful. But please, wait. According the Konzerthaus guide to etiquette, before clapping:
a) Wait for the music to stop (Yes, seems obvious to me, but maybe not to everyone).
b) Take a deep breath (No, you don't have to hold it to ten, just breath: in...and....out).
c) Slowly count to three...1...2...3 (Come on, you remember how to do this...).
d) Ok, now you can clap (Yes, go for it, clap all you want, go, go, go).

- During the intermission be sure to check out the miniature hockey rink conveniently located on the east side between the Konzerthaus and Hotel Intercontinental. While it doesn't meet NHL standards, the little boys can put on quite the show (watch for a #99 jersey and an Avalanche jersey...yes, I saw both). Also, since you're on that side of the Konzerthaus, order a coffee...not only will it help keep you awake in case the last half of the evening is not as rousing as the first, but it is also so delicious you can drink it black. There is not bitter taste, it smoothly slips down your throat.

- At all times be prepared to make mental notes of the various fashion tastes wandering around the halls. For example: did you know that some manufacturer somewhere makes sea blue opaque nylons? Neither did I...until tonight. Sea blue. Uh huh.

So when you go, have a marvelous time, soar on the carpet, spot the 99 and don't let the sea blue fashions shock you.


Little Miss Domestica said...

Anna - you make me smile. You are a wonderful writer - it is almost as though I was there.....

marcella said...

Sounds like a lot of fun... you are experiencing so much culture! How awesome! Wish I were there!!!!

Natasha said...

Now that sounds like something I would love to see.

And I think I want to own a pair of those Sea blue nylons. Just for the shock value.

Anonymous said...

Talk about luck. I think will have to come to school there.

Anonymous said...

Sounds absolutely LOVELY! are an increadable writter!!
The coffee sounds amazing, but I think that I could pass on the nylons....hmmmm.